Are You Ready To Join Our #GRITAgainstPlastic Movement?

We’re going to be straight with you for a hot second...
Single-use plastics are killing our planet...

And at GRIT, the only thing we ‘bout is killing our workouts.

The environment is everything to us.

That’s why we NEVER use single-use plastic.

Seriously, you won’t find it anywhere in our studios (or our lives).

When you walk through our doors, we’ll even give you a free non-plastic backpack for your sweaty clothes (trust us, you’ll be needing it).

Oh and if you need water, we only offer reusable aluminium cans.

Once yours runs dry, top it off for free at one of our purified water stations.

Grabbing one of our tasty bites? Yep, you guessed it, they come in reusable packaging too.

The single use plastic epidemic is way too real to us.

GRIT is a family business. When we’re not making you sweat, we love to scuba dive around the world.

It kills us to see plastic water bottles and packaging littering the pristine ocean floor.

And we’re certainly going to do our bit to keep it off the GRIT floor.

That’s why we say no to plastic. Not just no, but we say HELL NO.

Single-use plastic has got to go. We’ve all got to be better than that.

Join the movement to preserve our environment, tell your studio to stop all single-use plastic.

Even better. Come and join us instead.

You with us?



Oh and want to know something that breaks our
hearts? We just read online that there will be more
plastic bottles in the ocean than fish by 2040.

It’s got to stop now. Join our movement.

